Friday, September 11, 2009

[79] Forum- Is Naruto a good guy?

is he ????

Answer :

he tries to forcefully drag Sasuke back and blamming Orochimaru for "kidnapping" him when Naruto's the one who's gonna kidnap Sasuke
but there are several points in that.
1. Naruto is only trying to help Sasuke, having the mentality of the few for the many or small sacrifice for the greater good. he knows at least something bad will happen if Rochi gets his hands on Sasuke, so Naruto wishes to protect him.
2. Naruto also doesn't need to lose anyone else, do you agree? On just a personal basis, losing yet another person would not be good.
3. He doesn't know what Sasuke has planned. he's acted in ignorance of what sasuke has planned.
by :
that is my opinion what about you ? ( leave comment)

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