Friday, September 4, 2009

[29] Pic- Haruno Sakura

NAME: Haruno
NAME: Sakura
RANK: Chuunin
BIRTHDAY: March 28
AGE: 15 years
NEW TECHNIQUES: Dokumeki no jutsu (technique for extracting poison), superhuman strength.
Salura eternal love with Sasuke, the eternal rival Ino, Sakura was before a girl had an idea in mind: BE WITH SASUKE. But Sasuke, he does not love him. Being small we nicknamed the Big forehead because his hair was on the left side and see his face. Before Sakura Naruto did not even hated it, she found the beast and without interest. But when Iruka said teams genins Sakura was forced to finally lae suporter suporter FCON is a talk for more past episodes over Sakura apren to know that Naruto was always his savior. And yes, every time there was a danger, Naruto was going to rescue Sakura. But Sakura was also the eternal ball. always behind, helpless and powerless. But where Orochimaru morda Sasuke to give him the cursed seal, from the time she was worried about was him until she esseyer to prevent him from leaving but she did not succeed. After Sasuke's departure, she esseyer came with Naruto to find Sasuke but without success. That is time she decided she would no longer be a ball and went to Tsunade to ask the cause. The latter agreed and both went to work.
In return for Naruto, 2 years later, she changed it became a woman. She has gained superhuman strength from Tsunade and gifts of healings. If this continues it will become like her more than puissainte Tsunade The Legendary Sanin but also Godaien Hokage of Konoha.

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